The Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies announces two changes in Ex Officio voting members on our 2014-2015 Executive Committee as a result of the recent Midwest and Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies regional meetings.
Ed Boggess, Director of Minnesota Department of Natural
Resources’ Division of Fish and Wildlife Resources, is now serving as the
Midwest Ex Officio voting member on the Association of Fish & Wildlife
Agencies’ Executive Committee. Cathy Sparks, Assistant Director for Natural
Resources of the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, is now
representing the Northeast state fish and wildlife agencies.
The Executive Committee determines all matters not
especially provided for in AFWA’s Constitution and Bylaws until specially
passed upon at a regular meeting; it employs and assigns duties to the
Executive Director and subordinate employees; and it approves the annual
budget. AFWA’s Officers and Executive
Committee will meet in Washington, DC in mid-December.