Ever wonder how many beavers
are harvested in the U.S. each year via regulated trapping? Or maybe you want to know how many were harvested
in the southeastern U.S. or just in Mississippi? The Association of Fish &
Wildlife Agencies (AFWA) has your answer.
AFWA’s U.S. Furbearer Conservation
Technical Work Group has collected data from state fish and wildlife agencies annually
on harvest totals and value of pelts for furbearers since 1970.
The National Furbearer
Harvest Database is the only collective source of information about 28
furbearer species including badgers, coyotes, four species of fox, raccoons, four
species of skunk, otters, weasels, wolverines and more.
Furbearer populations are
often cyclic and impacted by weather conditions and prey species abundance.
Furbearer harvests are also heavily correlated with fur value. When the value
of pelts is up, harvest will likely increase and vice-versa.
With these factors taken
into account, researchers, wildlife managers and many others with an interest
in the conservation of furbearers are able to use the National Furbearer
Harvest Database to monitor population trends over time at the state, regional
and national levels.
Contrary to public
perception, furbearer harvest through regulated, law-enforced trapping is good
for conservation and sustaining wildlife health and diversity. Trapping is one
of the most important ways that biologists can collect data about wildlife
including information about wildlife diseases, such as rabies, that can also
affect people.
In addition, states rely on
trapping to relocate wildlife populations to areas where they once lived but
may no longer be found. The restoration of river otters in Missouri was made
possible through the use of trapping as a management tool.
In the U.S., during a strict
trapping season, licensed trappers are allowed to harvest specific furbearing
species that are abundant or overly abundant in their habitats. The trapping
season lasts a few months yearly, primarily during the fall and winter. States use this information from the database to help
inform their annual trapping season and harvest limits to ensure population
The National Fur Harvest Database now includes information from the 2012-2013 trapping season. To view the database and to learn more about AFWA’s work in conserving furbearer species, use this link http://bit.ly/AFWAfurbearer.
The National Fur Harvest Database now includes information from the 2012-2013 trapping season. To view the database and to learn more about AFWA’s work in conserving furbearer species, use this link http://bit.ly/AFWAfurbearer.