The Association of
Fish and Wildlife Agencies (AFWA) has partnered with the Connecticut Department of Energy
and Environmental Protection, the Indiana
Department of Natural Resources, Division of Fish and Wildlife, and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources to
conduct a multi-state study about residents’ opinions on wildlife and
wildlife-related activities, including trapping. Responsive
Management has been contracted to conduct a survey of residents in
each of the three states: Connecticut, Indiana, and Wisconsin. Beginning in
August, residents of each state may receive a phone call from Responsive
Management asking them to participate in a brief telephone survey about
wildlife; selection of residents for participation is random to maintain a
scientifically valid study. If you receive a call at home or on your cell
phone, please consider participating in the study to assist the Department and
AFWA in better understanding public awareness of, opinions on, and attitudes
toward trapping. This study is also a follow-up to a study previously conducted
by the partners in 2001. The current study will examine some trends to examine
changes in awareness and opinions.
If you have any questions about the study, please contact Byant White: BWhite@fishwildlife.org 573-815-7901.