Friday, March 9, 2018

Webinar- A Fish's Eye View: Snorkeling Freshwater Streams in the U.S.

Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies’ 
Wildlife Viewing and Nature Tourism Working Group
2018 Webinar Series

Date: April 17, 2018
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. EDT

Description: We often perceive that there isn’t much to see beneath the surface of our nation’s freshwater rivers and streams, but once we look underwater, an amazing world appears. Fish of incredibly diverse colors, shapes and behaviors live in freshwater ecosystems. The streams themselves create otherworldly, breathtaking streamscapes, giving humans willing to submerge themselves the opportunity to witness incredible ecological feats such as thousand-mile fish migrations, predator-prey interactions, or the vibrant colors of mating displays. The underwater world of our rivers and streams is unexpected, largely unnoticed and amazing! They are thriving aquatic communities, composed of subjects intimately tied to one another and to humans through an aquatic matrix.

Snorkeling establishes powerful connections between people and rivers, and is one of the most intimate interactions we can have with a river, experiencing the movement and organisms of a moving water body on its own terms. Snorkeling allows us to bond with subjects that are intertwined in these aquatic communities, granting us new perspectives and reasons to care about the importance of clean water. The ways in which rivers, and the creatures that live in them, are woven into our cultural and natural heritage become apparent.

Join underwater naturalist Keith Williams and share his adventures of exploring and discovering the underwater world of our nation’s rivers and streams. Keith will discuss how to establish successful river snorkeling programs to encourage fish watching.

Join the webinar at
wildlifeviewing (sign in as guest, with first
and last name, no password required).
Conference call audio: 888-670-3525
Participant code: 835-369-4269

Download the Flyer Here.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies and partners seek nominations for Climate Adaptation Leadership Awards

Nominations due by April 13

The Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies and its members and partners are seeking nominations for the Climate Adaptation Leadership Award (Award) which recognizes outstanding efforts to increase the resilience of America’s valuable living natural resources and the many people, businesses and communities that depend on them.

The Climate Award Leadership Award was established in 2016 to recognize exemplary leadership by individuals, agencies, businesses and other organizations to reduce impacts and advance adaptation of the nation’s vital natural resources in a changing world.

Previous Award recipients for 2016 and 2017 have been recognized for outstanding leadership in resource management, science, education, training and other goals of the National Fish, Wildlife and Plants Climate Adaptation Strategy.

Nominations will be accepted until April 13. Individuals, groups, organizations, and government agencies are eligible to apply. Five to seven Awards (and Honorable Mentions) are expected to be announced in September 2018.

Fish, wildlife, and plant resources provide billions of dollars in economic activity, millions of jobs, and many other important benefits and services to Americans every year including food, clean water and air, building materials, storm protection, tourism, and recreation. The Award recognizes efforts to reduce impacts and sustain these valuable living resources and the many businesses and communities that depend on them every day.

Led by the Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies and its Climate Change Committee, the Award is given out each year in collaboration with federal and state government partners including the USDA Forest Service, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and others.

For more information about the Award or how to apply, please visit the Climate Adaptation Leadership Award web site:

The Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies represents North America's fish and wildlife agencies to advance sound, science-based management and conservation of fish and wildlife and their habitats in the public interest. For more information about the Association, please visit: